Jharkhand is one of the most competitive and investment-ready state in the country. While the state unparalleled reserve of mineral resources and established industries makes it a key contributor to the Make In India mission, the services sector too has kept up the pace.

Gov. of India Gov. of Jharkhand

JIIPP 2021

Jharkhand Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy

Jharkhand is becoming the vanguard of industrialisation among the Indian States. The government of Jharkhand is keenly working on skill development and improving exports from the State.

Decentralised employment augmentation through the promotion of labour-intensive industries such as Mining and Minerals, Agriculture and Processed Food etc. is one of the key prongs identified by the Government of Jharkhand. The government of Jharkhand is encouraging investments in mineral exploration, Steel, Plastics, Chemicals, Electrical, Cement, Metallurgy and Automobile components, Light Engineering and Textiles amongst others.

Jharkhand handled the COVID-19 pandemic with a coordinated effort, but the economy and developmental progress has been adversely affected due to disruption of supply-chains and crash in overall demand. The major industries of the state including construction, mining, tourism, automobile and light/ heavy engineering were amongst the worst hit leading to a crash in exports from the state.

The manufacturing and service industry needs to be revived and with this aim, the policy has been revised to provide investors with regulatory support.

To rejuvenate the existing rural industries including sericulture, handloom, handicraft, khadi, textile, etc, it is envisaged to assist them in modernisation/technological up gradation and provide necessary common facilities, backward and forward linkages including product design, marketing support, etc. to make them globally competitive.

The Government realises that export units in the state need to be modernised by adopting the latest technologies, undertaking skill up gradation and diversification. Thus, this policy envisages several measures for facilitating export promotion and marketing including Infrastructure support for exports and fiscal incentives which will enable the exporters to achieve higher numbers.

The State Government, with an aim to accelerate Industrial development, has desired to set up Private, Joint Venture and PPP mode Industrial Park consisting of a minimum of 50 acres with a minimum of 15 industrial units. In the case of sector-specific industrial parks, the minimum area shall be 10 acres with a minimum of 5 industrial units through a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) registered
under the Companies Act.

Jharkhand is progressing fast on adopting investor-friendly best practices in the state to facilitate investments and generate avenues of employment for the welfare of people. Measures like Jharkhand Investment Promotion Board, single-window clearance, online payments, online verification, third- party certifications, self-certification, time-bound approvals, availability of information online, standard operating procedures for approvals, deemed approvals, etc. have been adopted by most of the departments and government agencies.

This policy has been drafted after intensive interaction with representatives of industries, industry associations, investors, subject experts etc. and efforts have been made to accommodate their views. This policy proposes to provide an attractive and tailor-made investment package to the industry to promote industrialisation and create a multiplier effect in the State’s economy. Due care has been taken to ensure that the packages provided in this policy are amongst the best in the country to attract more industry and investment into the state.

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Enriching Jharkhand through vibrant and sustainable Industrial growth. Facilitating investor for the continuous and speedy industrial growth through optimum utilization of resources without effecting natural ecosystem.

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