In sync with the ‘Make in India’ campaign launched by the central government; Jharkhand has launched ‘Make in Jharkhand’ to enhance the experience of industry as well as society stakeholders. Further, considering the push for an ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat”, the Government of Jharkhand is making rapid strides to stir entrepreneurship in the State by creating a robust regulatory ecosystem.
Government of Jharkhand accords highest priority to improving Ease of Doing Business and therefore, has embraced the changes in new business environment over the last few months, which led to Jharkhand being ranked among top five Indian states in the 2019 year ranking on “Ease of Doing Business” (EODB) by DPIIT. Timely clearances and responsive post investment facilitation services have been identified as the cornerstone for improving business environment and boosting investor confidence.
Enriching Jharkhand through vibrant and sustainable Industrial growth. Facilitating investor for the continuous and speedy industrial growth through optimum utilization of resources without effecting natural ecosystem.