Jharkhand is one of the most competitive and investment-ready state in the country. While the state unparalleled reserve of mineral resources and established industries makes it a key contributor to the Make In India mission, the services sector too has kept up the pace.

Gov. of India Gov. of Jharkhand

Existing Vacancy

SL. No.TitleDetailed AdvertisementDownload Application Format
01Cancelled : Advertisement for Recruitment of Chief Engineer & Technical Advisor cum Executive Engineer (Civil) & Company SecretaryCancelled Letter
02Advertisement for Recruitment of Chief Engineer & Technical Advisor cum Executive Engineer (Civil) & Company SecretaryDownloadDownload


Enriching Jharkhand through vibrant and sustainable Industrial growth. Facilitating investor for the continuous and speedy industrial growth through optimum utilization of resources without effecting natural ecosystem.

5th Floor, Udyog Bhawan, DIC Campus, Ratu Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand 834001

Call: 0651 351 2851

Email: jharkhand-gov@jiidco.co.in

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